No Matter What You Do Prioritize Your Mental Health!

I’ve been on a long, winding journey of self discovery for a while now. I’ve been an entrepreneur with several different businesses and a corporate career before that. I’ve reinvented myself many times. 

I’ve been burned out a few times and this last time I had to close my prior coaching business. I knew something was wrong. Despite what other coaches were telling me- the pushing, the keep going. Something was really off this time. 

So I listened to myself. It wasn’t easy. Maybe I was going crazy?! I gave it some time. Lots of time. I slowed way down. Like to a standstill. And that’s when it came….

My trauma. My wounds. The things I had been running from my entire life that turned into coping mechanisms- some socially acceptable and some not. That unresolved trauma finally caught up with me. It was always there but this time, I could no longer ignore it or push it down.

I had been hiding in deep shame most of my life. The truth about my mother was really hard to face. In fact I had made my childhood out to be “not that bad”. I didn’t suffer physical abuse, I grew up in a nice cul-de-sac. 

The truth is my mother is a covert narcissist among other disorders. I realized just how damaging this really is. The truth that I never had a relationship with her. The truth that I went No Contact with her after years of pretending and trying so hard to get her to LOVE ME.

I voraciously began to read books on trauma. Peter Levine, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Gabor Mate. About how trauma was stored in the body and how the nervous system is in survival mode because of it. It was like my entire life flashed before my eyes! It made so much sense.

I began Somatic Experiencing therapy shortly after. The first thing she said was, “where do you feel that in your body?” WOAH! I was blown away. Nobody had ever asked me that before. Nobody had ever mentioned my body, my nervous system.

All the years of personal development focused on the mind. Mindset and positive thinking! Ah well for me, it made sense it was another avoidance strategy! I had a lot of them.

Somatic Experiencing completely changed my life and changed my direction in business too. I could never go back to the hustle. I learned to slow down, to be present, to really be embodied, feel my feelings and listen deeply. 

As I began to unravel all of the trauma, I learned the tools to be with it. HARD WORK! I began knowing myself at a deep level. Along the way I learned how to hold space for myself. Emotionally connect with myself. Love myself even! And I could be with others in this capacity because I had done that work for myself. Missing Link in my opinion!

I began to speak the truth about No Contact and I was surprised how many people suffer with this same thing! And how grateful they were that I was talking about it! Because nobody is talking about it!

I am now so passionate about this work and being in integrity that I trained to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner so I can help others.

MY goal is to help you through the process of Navigating No Contact with Toxic Parents and most of all finally finding the freedom you deserve through emotional regulation and somatic processing through the body to heal the complex layers of trauma.

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